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Topographic Surveys

“The service performed to determine the configuration, relief, or elevations of a portion of the earth’s surface, including the location of natural and/or manmade features thereon. The preparation of a topographic survey requires the expert skill of a Registered Professional Land Surveyor well versed in techniques used to prepare reliable topographic maps. A topographic survey is not a boundary survey, although some approximate property lines may be delineated. The limits of the topographic survey will be determined based on the intended use.”

– Texas Society of Professional Surveyors Manual of Practice For Land Surveying in the State of Texas

Topographic Surveys are used prior to development to identify features and elevations of a particular tract of land and are the first step in the development of property.

While a Boundary Survey identifies the limits of a parcel of land, a Topographic shows the changes in elevation or contours of the terrain on the land, as well as natural or manmade features and improvements on your property. Engineers and Architects use topographic surveys to design the location of proposed drainage and improvements on your property. Accurate topographic survey data is critical for property development.